
Time Event Footnote
08:30:00 Wake up after 3 snoozes
09:30:00 Leave for the X
10:00:00 Park at the Smith Avenue Transit Center - Lot #151
10:05:00 Pregame at Eagle Street 1
10:45:00 Do a lap around the X to drink in the atmosphere 2
10:57:00 Find seat in Section 108 row 22 seats 15 & 16 3
11:00:00 Ffirst game start time"
11:15:00 Admire flow
11:25:00 Puck drop of the first game: Lakeville North vs. Edina 4
01:00:00 Record YHH "Minute After" with Tony Scott
01:00:00 "Second game start time" 5
01:39:59 Admire flow
01:42:00 GREGORY 6
01:50:00 Puck drop of the second game: STMA vs. Duluth East 7
03:45:00 Karl is huffing into a paper bag or high fiving STMA fans to rub it in
04:00:00 Record YHH "Minute After" with Tony Scott
04:15:00 Go to McGoverns to eat on the back patio 8
04:45:00 Move indoors to continue making friends with STA faithful 9
05:45:00 Find seat in Section 108 row 22 seats 15 & 16
06:00:00 "Third game start time" 10
06:15:00 Admire flow 11
06:22:00 Make score predictions and game bets with Cooper in row 23
06:25:00 Puck drop of the third game: Hill-Murray vs. Minnetonka
06:50:00 Louie St. George brings Danny and Karl cookies
07:50:00 Danny starts commenting on Cadets 12
08:00:00 "Fourth game start time"
08:15:00 Record YHH "Minute After" with Tony Scott
08:45:00 Admire flow 13
08:54:59 Puck drop of the fourth game: Centennial vs. St. Thomas Academy 14
09:16:00 Danny's mom visits 15
11:00:00 Record YHH "Minute After" with Tony Scott
11:15:00 If STA wins we go to McGoverns 16
11:35:00 Leave for YHH HQ
11:39:00 Danny almost runs over the coach of a notable HS program 17
12:05:00 Zombie midnight podcast 18
01:00:00 Leave for Home
01:15:00 Get Home 19
01:30:00 Bedtime

1 - Danny feels much shame for being a Cadet and Karl feels like one of his kind
2 - Get stuck in mobs of people
3 - Say a prayer of thanks that we know Eric so we have seats
4 - Karl waves around his flyswatter
5 - Karl makes nervous lap around X
6 - Danny tries to make a new friend but Gregory the Greyhound 
7 - Danny endures Karl as a nervous wreck
8 - Lament that our west metro scout is unavailable for our annual St. Paul Grille date
9 - Danny feels accepted to be with his private school brothers; Karl gets sick of all this lack of flow and girls
10 - Console Zach Halverson as he watches Hill at State again
11 - Danny makes nervous lap around X
12 -  Comments on how nice the Cadets look in their class As and when kids need haircuts
13 - Well, maybe one-sided flow....
14 - Karl endures Danny as a nervous wreck for the full game
15 - Danny tells her to leave because she is bad luck so she stays to talk to Karl
16 - If STA loses we go to Eagle Street
17 - It's happened before
18 - For all 25 people who will listen
19 - Feel like death