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TWICH - Season 1, Ep 1

By YHH Staff, 10/10/24, 8:15PM CDT


The first episode of YHH’s newest pod is out now! This Week in College Hockey focuses on the six D1 programs in Minnesota and the game of College Hockey.

TWICH - S1, E1 (Video)

TWICH - S1, Ep 1 (Audio)


00:00 - Fairmont vs Fremont Ave

1:30 - Introduction

2:00 - Six Gopher Captains

5:00 - Rhett Pitlick to Minnesota State

10:30 - Jerseys of the Week

14:00 - CCHA is not Dead

17:47 - Plante Plante Shaugabay

20:40 - Best/Worst Games of the Week

23:52 - CHL 

32:34- Minnesota Scores 

35:42 - Boston College vs Michigan State 

46:00 - Wrap Up

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