Per the note received from Minnesota Hockey (MNH), Minnesota will allow kids seven and eight years old the ability to play games on a full sheet of ice. MNH received a waiver from it’s national affiliate USA Hockey (USAH) that will allow this exemption. USAH had adopted as part of it’s American Development Model (ADM) to restrict Mite games to cross ice ages 5-8.
YHH received a release today from MNH re-stating it’s new rules and procedures below.
*MNH, it’s logo/trademark, and it’s members are not affiliated or in partnership with Youth Hockey Hub (YHH) in any way.
The Minnesota Hockey Board of Directors today announced a rule change pertaining to full-ice games at the Mite and 8 and Under Girls levels following adoption at the Minnesota Hockey Board Meeting held on Sunday, April 21. The change was implemented to comply with the USA Hockey rule which established the standard playing surface for Mites as cross/half ice while providing the flexibility to associations to transition from the Mite/8U levels to the Squirt/10U levels. Minnesota Hockey had requested and was granted an exemption to the USA Hockey rule requiring all Mite games to be played half/cross ice by the USA Hockey Player Development Committee prior to the meeting.
Beginning with the 2013-14 season, Mite/8U should be cross or half ice for the first half of the season, ending on December 31. During the second half of the season, teams will be allowed to play up to 10 full-ice games in addition to cross/half ice games, unless the request to play more full-ice games is approved by the District Director. Mini-Mite games should be played cross/half ice. If you have any questions, please contact your District Director.
The rule will now appear in the Minnesota Hockey Handbook as follows:
F. MITE HOCKEY – MH strongly encourages the skill level development of all players. This is particularly critical at the Mite level so that players are provided with the foundation to enjoy and have success in the game.
1. In an effort to reduce travel expense and promote development rather than competition, Mite teams shall participate within their home association and district only. On an exception basis, the District Director(s) may, for convenience or to maintain continuity, permit a team to play outside the district. The District Director’s decision is final.
2. Mites are generally organized into levels based on age, skill and the number of Mite players in the association. As a guideline, Mites should be divided into two levels: Mini-Mites (6 and Under) – the younger, beginner and less skilled players; and Mites (8 & Under) – the older, experienced, more skilled players.
3. The focus for Mites is to teach and develop the basic skills of skating, puck handling, shooting and passing. Accordingly, cross-ice, ½ ice and small area games (Red, White and Blue) are recommended to maximize ice utilization, increase puck touches and increase the competition and fun. TheAmericanDevelopmentModel(ADM) provides the overall blueprint for player development.
4. At the Mini-Mite (6 and Under) level – all games shall be played cross or half ice.
5. At the Mite (8 and Under) level – games during the first half of the season (before December 31st.) should be played cross or half- ice. During the second half of the season there shall be no more than 10 full ice games, unless approved by the District Director and the decision of the District Director is final.
6. Local hockey associations are in the best position to design their programs to provide an experience where players can develop and have fun. This should be based on the principles of ADM, Red, White and Blue, the number of players in their program, the skill of their players, the availability of ice and their coaching staff.
7. In recognition of a need for flexibility and differences between associations, the guidelines outlined in #4 and #5 above will be monitored by the District Director. Abuses will result in sanctions against the respective association(s) at the sole discretion of the Director.
8. MH does not permit Mite Tournaments. MH Mite teams cannot participate in out-of-state tournaments.
9. Jamborees may be conducted at the Mite level. A jamboree is defined as a low-key full participation event where players have an enjoyable learning experience in a non-competitive environment.