Districts have been impacted at the A level for bantam and peewee regular season play. The first impact was the struggle districts who felt they had to separate AA and A teams went through to establish leagues and game schedules.
Associations determine at what levels they will field teams and often they wait until tryouts. Some associations cannot have tryouts until they have ice and that can be late in the process. This problem existed at the A level previously, but the districts most effected had adjusted. Now with the AA and A split they had to readjust. That costs time. And the time the association takes costs the district time. And the time the district takes cost Minnesota Hockey time.
At some point late in October and in early November, the Districts finally settled. Districts 5, 6, 9, 10, and 15 separated the AA and A bantam and peewee teams into AA and A leagues.
D5 uses AA Gold Division and A Silver Division, D6 uses AA and A leagues, D9 has only one AA association (Rochester), D10 uses AA and A leagues, and D15 uses AA and A leagues. Note D15 AA peewee and bantam leagues consists of two teams (Moorhead and Brainerd).
Districts 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, and 16 kept one peewee A and one bantam A league. They followed the idea that AA/A had no meaning in regular season. How they setup their playoffs to determine regional seeds is a TBD, but these districts may already have resolved their playoffs.
One thing is appears to be certain, at this point in the season, no changes will be allowed in an association’s classification. If your association is classified AA or A, it will not be changed.
As a result of the changes at the district level, some teams will be playing a shorten league schedule. District 15 AA bantam and peewees has the shortest schedule possible, two games. District 6 AA teams are playing 12 league games, last year they played 18.
District 6 policies implies or states that an association team can play in four tourneys only has meant the District 6 AA teams will play less games then they did as A teams last years.
Other districts have full schedules of 16 to 22 league games. For teams in those leagues, playing in four tourneys (plus participation in the Maroon and Gold league for some) has left little schedule space for scrimmages with other teams such as D6 AA teams.
Part of the D6 problem is that unlike the other leagues, they do not have “cross over games” with the A teams. There are more A teams in D6 then AA teams, the A teams do not need or nay not want to play D6 AA teams. The D6 peewee A teams play a 16 game schedule and don’t need crossover games. They also have a wider selection of teams to play since most A teams are willing to schedule scrimmages with AA teams as well as A teams. The D6 bantam A teams play a 14 game regular season schedule,