Uma Corniea, credit Joseph Hulbert
It isn't often that you see a high-end player, dominate their level, win a lot of games and do it all with a gigantic smile on their face.
Enter, Uma Corniea from Edina. She makes saves by the dozens, she breaks boys and girls an equal opportunity thief, all with a smile. Over the last two years, she's played for Edina Squirts and PeeWees winning several big games along the way. This year her Edina PeeWee A team took second in state winning 32 consecutive games before eventually losing to Johnson Como North St Paul in the finals.
Each year we see hundreds of goalies...all of them are very athletic and a bit crazy. Uma is very athletic and not a bit crazy. Which is likely why she has done such a great job of stopping flying pucks her whole life.
Past Winners
2016 - Konrad Kausch, Duluth East
2015 - Carsen Stokes, Prior Lake
2014 - Zach Stejskal, Grand Rapids