On a day when a prominent District 2 official confesses to a Judge that he embezzled nearly $400,000 from D2 over a six year period – you’d think that was the craziest item on the YHH radar. But no, this one comes as even a bigger surprise.
YHH has confirmed with three PeeWee coaches that another metro team has asked permission to videotape their games. The assumption being they suspect they will play these teams eventually in Regional and State play.
Tony Says: First of all, give me a break. The fact that a team would send someone to a rink to videotape a potential opponent for a youth hockey game is beyond me. But asking permission isn’t being Minnesota nice, this is gamesmanship at it’s best. This team is telling it’s opponents “We Are Watching Your Every Move…” I’d write a 10 page AJ Barker diatribe on this topic, but the subject matter is so obvious and so wrong, few words are needed to call this WRONG. If you want to watch a potential opponent, simply look on their team website for a game and go watch them. Filming a team and then presumably showing this film to your players in a “film session” is way over the top. Word to the wise: when you institute a win at all cost mentality, make sure you have a plan in place for when you lose.
Thumbs Down.